What an organization needs to do
Submit an application for collaboration til Digital Iceland with information regarding the agency's technical contact
Connect to the Straumurinn (X-road)
Benefits for government agencies
My pages at Ísland.is is a service portal for all government agencies to use that need to provide information or services to their users. The interface is user-friendly with accessibility in mind. The interface is computer-readable, it scales well on phones and has language support.
By using Ísland.is's My Pages, an organization does not need to implement logins and proxy systems.
My Pages is a central place where a government agency can deliver data to a user in a secure manner. My pages do not collect any data, but gather data from the agency in question securely through web services where the X-Road is used for secure communication. The government agency creates web services and then works with Digital Iceland's design team to decide how the data should be displayed to the user.
What role does Digital Iceland play:
My pages at Ísland.is is available to government agencies without cost. Digital Iceland handles the operation and maintenance of the front end as well as ensuring the uptime and security of the login and proxy system. The agency in question must ensure web service uptime.
Digital Iceland's design and content strategy is used, but the front end is developed in collaboration with the agency. Digital Iceland can assist with the installation and development of web services if requested.