About Digital Iceland
Our team
Digital Iceland was founded at the beginning of 2018.
Digital Iceland's objective is to help public institutions improve digital services by making the service more accessible, simple, and faster. The Digital Iceland team has a very diverse background and works on a wide variety of projects.
Birna Íris Jónsdóttir
CEO of Digital Iceland
Eva Sigurbjörg Þorkelsdóttir
Project and Quality manager
Fríða Rut Hallgrímsdóttir
Chief Service Officer
Kjartan Dige Baldursson
Chief Financial Officer
Kolbrún Eir Óskarsdóttir
Project Manager
Kristrún Heiða Hauksdóttir
Chief editor of Ísland.is
Ólafur Ingþórsson
UT and Security Manager
Ragnhildur Helga Ragnarsdóttir
Chief Technology Officer
Sigurbjörn Reginn Óskarsson
Product Manager
Sigurður Fjalar Sigurðarson
Project- and product manager
Vésteinn Viðarsson
Product Manager
Vigdís Jóhannsdóttir
Chief Marketing and Communications Officer