About Digital Iceland
Objectives and vision
Iceland is one of the leading nations in the world in the field of digital services. Digital services are used to create a strong society with increased competitiveness that leads to value creation and a foundation for prosperity. Digital services are clear, secure, simple and fast. The user experience of the service is comparable to the service as it is best. The public and companies in Iceland can get directly to the material, anywhere and at any time, which saves people valuable time. At the same time, the impact of the service on natural resources is reduced.
Policies of the public sector in digital and tech
1. Support organisations on the Digital Road
Support organisations on their digital journey with advice and implementation of Digital Iceland's core services.
2. Develop and operate the digital infrastructure of the public sector
Ongoing development and operation of core services.
3. Simplify people's lives by putting the user first
An educational role so that the public trusts and dares to use the services that will be digital. Understand your own benefits.
Increased competitiveness
Better public services
Safer infrastructure
A more modern work environment
Increased competitiveness
The public and enterprises can use the potential of digital services and public infrastructure for increased innovation, value creation and democratic participation.
The public and enterprises have easy access to information that public bodies possess concerning the person in question.
Society has knowledge and knowledge of the potential of technology, such as digital service platforms and artificial intelligence.
The potential of digital infrastructure is being used to increase democratic participation through interaction and public consultation.
Public sector data is accessible and exploitable, taking into account data protection considerations and individual consent.
Digital services and innovative solutions are developed in cooperation with a diverse group of companies and experts, for example, through the deployment of open-source software.
Legislation provides for digital services and communication.
Better public services
The public and enterprises have equal access to outstanding public services that are provided based on the needs of users in an efficient and efficient manner.
Digital services are accessible to society as a whole and adapted to the needs of different groups.
Digital communication, through Iceland.is, is the main means of communication between the public and companies.
As a general rule, data need only be recorded once in communication with the government and data travels between institutions instead of people.
The operation of web systems and digital services is economic and meets the highest possible security conditions.
The web services and the data transfer layer of the public sector are coordinated according to the Icelandic technology policy.
The coordination and efficiency of software solutions is ensured.
Safer infrastructure
Information technology will be managed in a secure, efficient and efficient manner through a solid infrastructure that meets both public demands for basic services in institutions and promotes greater flexibility of public services.Emphasis:
The working methods of IT systems are challenged and based on international standards.
Strong technology infrastructure supports safety, efficiency and innovation objectives.
The safest technology in data transfer and access control to information is practical.
The information of the public sector is always handled according to its sensitivity and security level.
The basic systems of government are based on standardised solutions, with extensive knowledge and experience.
A more modern work environment
Public institutions have the latest technological solutions and modern working environment that encourages progress and flexibility and is the basis for a better and more efficient organization of work. A positive attitude is towards the opportunities of modern practice.
Public servants have the knowledge, skills and competence to work in a digital environment and to continuous improvement and innovation in their work.
Public workplaces work in co-ordinated office software.
Employees work in project-based work environments.
The potential of the latest technologies, such as automation, is fully exploited in a responsible manner.
Life has its big moments, one of them being when we start a family. It is a time when we all need public services. Registering partnerships, getting married, having babies, kindergartens, primary schools, etc. – all of it has its place within the government and as members of society we must be able to navigate and communicate with the relevant institutions and agencies.
In the coming years all government agencies and the digital services they provide will change, making the services available to you in a simple and efficient manner on Island.is. Some services are already available but others still require you to print out forms and drive between offices to deliver them. We intend to change that.
We will provide expecting parents with to-the-point information regarding rights and services during pregnancy and after birth. It’s an exciting time and none of us are especially interested in spending precious time searching and surfing between different websites to figure out what we have to do when the baby is born. There’s no need for that as Island.is will tell you about well-child care, the next doctor’s appointment, and remind you when important things like name giving are due.
And as the small – or big – family evolves/develops/moves on, Island.is will be the only stop when the family needs government services, such as assistance from specialists, passport renewals, registering for schools and when the parents start planning their retirement.
Island.is will provide you with the information you need when you need it.
It is testing to search through many different information sites, applications, and forms back and forth between institutions, for example for the sole purpose of handing in a diploma. We do not call that digital services.
What we call outstanding digital services is when we enable you to do all the easy things on Island.is, i.e. when you get a notification in the app that your passport is due for a renewal or that you have a doctor’s appointment at 9.40am tomorrow. That is exactly what we plan to do in the coming years.
On Island.is you should be able to update your own data, and you should also be able to fetch data and documents you need because sometimes you just have to get a criminal record to attach to a job application. Well, you can get the criminal record on Island.is already, but you might have to get information regarding real estate, vehicles, rights, education, your balance with the government or any other certificates.
Island.is will make all of it easier: the information search, the applications and the issue of moving documents between government agencies. You will be able to contact a service representative that will guide you to what you need to get things done in just a few minutes. It doesn’t matter who you are, everyone should be able to use the Island.is solutions, including the elderly, the disabled, and anyone that has, for some reason, trouble with using digital services. We aim to make Island.is a website accessible to all.
When that’s done, you will certainly spend less time on paperwork. Regarding the time you save, you can use that however you please.
Running a company is far from simple when it comes to applications, forms, fees, taxes, and anything else that has to be delivered to different government agencies. For starters, you have to start the company, register it, and apply for whatever permit you need to operate. After that, taxes, statements, wages, and other staff related payments.
At Island.is, we will see big changes as we keep adding and improving our services for companies – collecting all government services in one place with one login for the company. It will become easier to get information regarding the company’s balance with the government, return taxes, and find laws and regulations regarding businesses in Iceland.
We also intend to add even more information and consultation regarding government services, e.g. startups will at one point be able to find information regarding government grants in one place – and faster and more efficient services will of course benefit all Icelandic businesses.
In short, Island.is will be the only hub for taking care of business.
The digital development of Island.is is certainly to the advantage of the people of Iceland, but it also offers government agencies the opportunity to improve their services in the long run.
The changes our teams at Island.is are working on, are all aimed at assisting government agencies in developing their digital infrastructure. Every single agency will be able to use Island.is to improve and further their services, including accessibility and user-friendliness – not just for service recipients but also for service providers.
Government agencies should be able to trust that their services are accessible, safe and fast, their data secure, and application processes and communications clear and simple. Government agencies should always have access to the latest updates of reliable solutions in constant development. This will lower cost and increase efficiency.
After all, it is faster to send files electronically to the user’s account than printing them out, put them in an envelope and send between regions.