About My pages
My pages Island.is aims to create a single place for natural and legal persons to access data and obtain services from across government agencies.
By making data accessible in one location users do not need to search for services in multiple locations but can identify themselves once and find those services and data across government agencies.
My pages show the most important data from the public sector belonging to individuals and legal entities.

What can be found on My pages?
Digital Mailbox
All organizations that have implemented the mailbox send documents to users here.
My information
Here the user finds his and his family's data from Registers Iceland.
Under finances, information from the Financial Administration about the user's status with the Treasury is displayed, along with more related actions.
Certificate of no-debt
Application for a payment plan
Status of digital applications that the user has applied for with government agencies.
Your grades and your children's grades from standardised tests from the year 2020. The information is gathered from the Directorate of Education. Efforts are being made to bring all grades from Iceland's education system to one place.
Real estate
Here the user will find information about real estate and plots of land from Registers Iceland
Mortgage certificates
All information from the Icelandic Transport Agency is moved under My pages at Island.is, e.g. user's vehicle, vehicle history and lookup in the vehicle register.
Certificate of return
Information about certificates and work permits
Today, driver's licenses, ADRs, heavy machinery licenses, and firearms licenses appear. Passports will soon also be available.
At the moment, only teachers' work permits are displayed, but work is being done to include more work permits.
My pages grow steadily over time, as more government agencies use the service portal.
My pages do not create new and more data, but collect and display existing data from various agencies.