About Digital Mailbox
Individuals and legal entities have their own digital mailbox. It publishes specific personal information and messages from the government to individuals and companies.
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Under the three-year plan and the Digital Post Office Block Act, all public sector bodies are obliged to provide digital publications by 1 January 2025. The Act establishes the government's view that the main channel of communication with natural and legal persons will be digital and centralised in one place, via a digital mailbox on Ísland.is.
It is planned to implement the digital inbox for all government agencies by 2025. After that individuals and companies can access all major government data in the mailbox.
The digital mailbox is a closed area on Island.is. It publishes and stores specific personal information and messages from the government to individuals and companies. All individuals and companies with an Icelandic ID number (including system ID) have their own mailbox.
How do companies open the digital mailbox?
Power of attorney holders of companies open the mailbox with their personal electronic ID and switch to the company on My pages.The power of attorney holder can grant access to the mailbox to others in the company. Skatturinn takes care of the registration of power of attorney holders.