My pages get accessibility certification
At the Icelandic Web Awards in 2021, My Pages won an award for the best web system in the country, and also received a special recognition for accessibility.
“A demand for good access is of course a demand for the fulfilment of the human right of self-sufficiency. Access to public information in a world where such information is increasingly moved into digital form is of great importance. A large and complex project that is nowhere near being completed, but every step is taken in the right direction, without discrimination. It is great to think that important data can be accessed and common actions performed, across organisations, within a single website. That thought is in harmony with the general concept of simplicity and accessibility. May this recognition continue to serve as a guiding light for the idea of equal access for all in the years to come."
"The website of the year provides clarity and complex data management is conveniently used. The website is uniquely user-friendly and accessible, as a whole. The web tree is simple, logical and well-installed and clearly supports users. It is obvious that a great deal of work has been done to simplify complex processes in the users' interests. Even if the website is still in development, quality is such that it is easy to allow yourself to look forward to when the final version is available."