Authorisation system
About Authorisation System
The Í application system is a powerful tool for moving applications for government services to a user-friendly digital interface.
Digital Iceland's Authorisation System allows individuals to login on behalf of companies, children and the individuals who have given them a mandate.
Mandate is either granted by an individual or arises from a relationship between people. Mandates arising from connections are retrieved from the databases of the government agencies responsible for this registration at the time of registration. For example, information regarding authorised signatories of companies are securely retrieved from Iceland Revenue and Customs.
When an individual intends to login on behalf of others, he/she begins by logging in with his/her own electronic ID. After login, his/her mandates are retrieved from the authorisation system. To have individuals login is to ensure security and traceability.
How does the Access control work?
, auk tengdra samninga og viðauka, mynda samkomulag þjónustuveitanda og þjónustuþega um þjónustuna. Með því að nota þjónustuna samþykkir þjónustuþegi skilmálana.