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Digital Iceland Frontpage
Digital Iceland Frontpage

Digital Iceland

Role of Digital Iceland

Digital Iceland operates and maintains a login service and an authorisation system with 24/7 monitoring of implementations by our operators. Digital Iceland also provides technical assistance to the agencies in implementing the Login Service.

Technical information

The infrastructure of Digital Iceland's login service is hosted by AWS. Scalability is ensured by using the technology that the environment offers to scale when the load is high.

Security is, among other things, secured with encrypted data communication and foundations and all traffic for the login service goes through Straumurinn (X-road).

The system is monitored around the clock, but Digital Iceland places great emphasis on logging and monitoring in all development and operation.

The system is regularly scanned for vulnerabilities and has been taken out by a third party that specializes in security audits.

The system follows modern technology.

More technical information can be found on the development website of Digital Iceland.