Healthcare users can submit questions or complaints to the Directorate of Health regarding health services. Medical specialists at the Directorate of Health review all cases and determine the appropriate procedure, see details in Section A and B.
Comments regarding healthcare services and conduct of healthcare professionals in a healthcare institution shall be submitted directly to the senior management of the institution or the healthcare professional's office, see in Section C.
-Automatic translation
Form for general questions regarding health services (Icelandic)
Examples of requests to be addressed to other institutions. List is not complete
Requests for compensation for physical or mental injury caused by treatment, accidents or diagnostic procedures are to be directed to the Icelandic Health Insurance / Patient Insurance.
A report of adverse drug reactions shall be directed to the Icelandic Medicines Agency.
A report of a shortage of medicines shall be directed to the Icelandic Medicines Agency.
Criminal offences, including sexual offences, are to be directed to the police.
Form for complaints regarding health services (Icelandic)
The Directorate of Health decides whether a complaint gives sufficient grounds for an investigation and whether the results of an investigation are likely to lead to increased quality and safety of healthcare.
It is important to justify any complaint of alleged error and/or neglect with relevant medical records. Healthcare users are entitled to obtain copies of their medical records by contacting the health care provider.
A complaint must be submitted to the Directorate of Health without undue delay. If more than four years have passed since the incidents that are considered the reasons for the complaint, it is appropriate to dismiss the complaint unless the Director of Health determines that specific reasons warrant the complaint be taken into consideration.
The Directorate of Health shall inform the complainant of the progress and the conclusions reached by the Directorate in the case within a reasonable time.
The Directorate of Health uses the following definitions of medical errors and medical negligence when investigating complaints involving provision of healthcare
Medical errors(mistök) in the context of Article 12 of the Medical Director of Health and Public Health Act generally refer to an erroneous act, error in assessement/decision or a significant deviation in the provision of health services, which consequently deviates significantly from what is generally accepted as correct practice within the relevant health discipline or is acceptable in accordance with a specific professional standard, e.g. clinical guidelines. Or something that could have been carried out or corrected in a different manner to avoid unfavorable outcome. In order to rule on errors in diagnosis or treatment, it must be demonstrated that such incidents or deviations in diagnosis and treatment have occurred in such manner that can be verified on the basis of probable causal relationship, provided that other more credible and probable explanations have not been presented.
Medical negligence (vanræksla) in the context of Article 12 of the Medical Director of Health and Public Health Act generally refers to reprehensible inaction, negligence or deviation that occurred when an act that indisputably should have been performed in a timely manner according to good medical practice, or according to professional standards, was not performed or was omitted for irrelevant reasons. In order to rule on negligence in practice, such deviations in the provision of health care, which are considered to have occurred due to negligence, must be demonstrated in such manner that can be verified on the basis of a probable causal relationship, provided that other more credible and probable explanations have not been presented.
Healthcare users have the right to comment on healthcare services or the conduct of healthcare personnel working in a healthcare institution, healthcare professionals' office or other place where healthcare is provided according to Article 28 (1) of the Patients' Rights Act. Such comments must be directed to the management of the relevant healthcare facility or those responsible for the service.
If the Directorate of Health receives comments regarding healthcare service, they will be forwarded to the senior management of the relevant healthcare facility for appropriate processing.
Example of comments to be addressed directly to the healthcare facility. List is not complete
Comment on medication renewal for minors who cannot communicate themselves.
Long wait times for treatment, services, surgery, examination.
Discontent with the behaviour of healthcare professionals.
Services provided within healthcare facilities considered to be inadequate. E.g. comments regarding inadequate staffing, facilities, care or social aspects.