Kilometer fee for electric, hydrogen and plug-in hybrid cars
Failure to pay
Consequences of not paying the kilometer fee:
Refusal of mandatory inspection.
If you have a kilometer fee due, your vehicle will not be allowed to pass mandatory inspection.A forced sale may be instituted.
The unpaid kilometer fee, penalty fee, penalty interest, and collection costs will be borne by a legal lien on the car. This collateral (debt) takes precedence over other collateral that could be on the car, for example, past due payments on a car loan or unpaid car loan. This means that the involuntary sale of the car may be claimed against the debt without the court’s involvement, settlement, or appropriation.Financial foreclosure may be implemented.
Debts due for the kilometer fee and negligence fee may also be collected from a registered owner or user by an appropriation without the involvement of the courts, settlement, or appropriation.

Service provider
Iceland Revenue and Customs