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The Í App

Consequences of not paying the kilometer fee:

  • Refusal of mandatory inspection.
    If you have a kilometer fee due, your vehicle will not be allowed to pass mandatory inspection.

  • A forced sale may be instituted.
    The unpaid kilometer fee, penalty fee, penalty interest, and collection costs will be borne by a legal lien on the car. This collateral (debt) takes precedence over other collateral that could be on the car, for example, past due payments on a car loan or unpaid car loan. This means that the involuntary sale of the car may be claimed against the debt without the court’s involvement, settlement, or appropriation.

  • Financial foreclosure may be implemented.
    Debts due for the kilometer fee and negligence fee may also be collected from a registered owner or user by an appropriation without the involvement of the courts, settlement, or appropriation.

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