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The Í App

Single parent allowance


This application is currently only available in Icelandic. After logging in, choose Umsóknir, Fjölskyldur, and finally Mæðra- og feðralaun.


To apply for single parents allowance you need:

  • child support decision for all children in the household,

  • (pdf) if there is no custody decision.

If TR mediates child support payments with all children in the household, you only need to submit an application.

How to apply

  1. Click Apply

  2. Log in with your electronic ID

  3. Select Umsóknir

  4. Select Fjölskyldur

  5. Select the application Mæðra- og feðralaun

  6. Fill out the application and attach supporting documents if you have them available.

  7. Submit Application

Make sure to register from which time you apply.

If you have another child, you must apply again for all the children.


Once a decision has been made, you will receive an email and a notification on TR's My Pages under My Documents.

The payment plan in available with the amounts for the year.

If you disagree with the decision, you can: