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Child pension for special expenses

Apply for child pension for special expenses

Child pensions for special expenses is paid with children whose parent is recipient of child pension and either parent is deceased, the child is unfathered or the mother is not around.

Specific expenditures may be incurred for:

  • baptisms,

  • ferrying,

  • buying binoculars,

  • tooth-righting,

  • disease,

  • burial,

  • other special occasion.

The application process starts with the Disctrict commissioner, which must rule that TR is to pay child pensions for special expenses.

After a ruling is available from the District Commissioner, an application is made to TR and a copy of the ruling is returned.


Here's how you apply:

  1. Click Apply

  2. Sign in with an electronic ID

  3. Select Applications

  4. Adhere to the category Families

  5. Select the application Child pension for special expenses

  6. Fill out the application and attach supporting documents if you have them

  7. Click on Send


When the ruling is available, you will receive an email and notification on My pages of TR under My documents.

You can also see the amounts for the year in the payment plan.

If you disagree with the decision, you can:

Payment arrangements

Payments are made as soon as possible to the bank account registered on My pages.