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Single parent allowance

Single Parent Allowance (in Icelandic)

Single parents are eligible to receive an allowance if they live in Iceland and have 2 or more dependent children.


Single parent allowance is pay to those who

  • reside in Iceland

  • have at 2 or more dependent children under the age of 18

  • are registered at the same legal domicile as the dependent children

Special circumstances

In addition, single parent allowance is also paid if the spouse:

  • dies,

  • is serving a sentence and has served a minimum of 3 months,

  • receives old-age or disability pension and payments are canceled due the pensioner staying at an institution.


  • 13.936 ISK each month with two children.

  • 36.228 ISK a month with three or more children.

The payments are taxable but not income-related.


Single parent allowance is paid in advance on the first day of each month.

If payments are approved retroactively, credit is paid out as soon as possible to the bank account registered on My pages.

Payments are cancelled

Payments are canceled if a single parent:

  • marries,

  • starts confirmed cohabitation with a previous partner or parent of the child,

  • moves abroad,

  • no longer has a legal domicile with the child or children,

  • shares legal domicile with the other parent of the child or children,

  • starts an unregistered cohabitation with someone other than the parent of the children. Payments are stopped 1 year after registration as a cohabitant. If cohabitants have a child, payments are stopped on the following month after the child is born.