Public procurement
A procurement shall begin with the publication of a notice and end when a tender is selected. The tender period can be assumed to be over two months.
Tender advertised
A public tender must be advertised prominently so that all interested companies can participate in the tender during the tender period. This shall also apply to open procedures for framework agreements.
At the same time, certain parties may also be encouraged to participate in pre-selection or the invitation to tender. Such parties may, however, not be provided with information other than that contained in the notice concerning an offer to tender.
The contracting authority may inform prospective tenderers of the procurement, but shall not be obliged to do so.
(Where should this chapter be?)
Buyer's checklist:
In processing the tenders, the contracting authority shall examine the technical competence of tenderers, confirm that the tenderer has submitted the documents specified in the tender specifications and that the tenderer has met the requirements of the tender documents.
Selecting the most economical tender.
To award the contract, the tender (approve) is accepted.
Final steps
It is ensured that the supplier meets the conditions of the contract through contract management.

Service provider
The Financial Management Authority Procurement