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Sjonstodin Frontpage
Sjonstodin Frontpage


Service to users


Sjónstöðin provides services to the blind, visually impaired and those with combined visual and hearing impairment


The service at Sjónstöðin is tailored to the needs of the child and family, it takes into account, among other things, the age of the child and their visual impairment.


Advisors at Sjónstöðin assess the student's situation with regard to access to education and learning materials.

Independent living

Advisors at Sjónstöðin help to find a solution to problems related to visual impairment.

Social worker

At the Sjónstöðin a social worker is available to assist users and their relatives with social resources and services, rights, housing, pensions, and more.

Technical consultation

At Sjónstöðin, a computer and technology advisor assists users in finding technological solutions that suit blind and visually impaired individuals in education, work, and daily life.

Older citizens

All blind and visually impaired seniors are provided with assessment, instruction and allocation of assistive devices.


Contact us

Phone number: 545 4900

National ID: 480109-1390

Opening hours

Monday to Thursday 10am to 3pm
Fridays 10am to 1pm

Telephone service
Monday to Thursday 10am to 3pm, Friday 10am to 1pm


Hamrahlíð 17
105 Reykjavík

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