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Sjonstodin Frontpage
Sjonstodin Frontpage


About Sjónstöðin

Sjónstöð operates according to the law and falls under the Ministry of Social Affairs.

The service is subject to a referral from a doctor.

Sjónstöð serves:

  • People with visual impairments who have a medical diagnosis indicating that their vision is less than 30% in their better eye, even with regular eyeglasses, and a visual field of less than 20 degrees, or functional assessments show difficulties due to visual impairment when reading 10-point font with regular eyeglasses.

  • People who are blind, with a medical diagnosis indicating their vision is less than 5% with regular eyeglasses and a visual field of less than 10 degrees.

  • Individuals with integrated vision and hearing impairment (deafblind), which limits their activity and participation in society to such an extent that specialized services are needed, and the environment must be adapted or special equipment is necessary to meet the individual's needs.


Contact us

Phone number: 545 4900

National ID: 480109-1390

Opening hours

Monday to Thursday 10am to 3pm
Fridays 10am to 1pm

Telephone service
Monday to Thursday 10am to 3pm, Friday 10am to 1pm


Hamrahlíð 17
105 Reykjavík

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