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Sjonstodin Frontpage


Older citizens

All counseling is individualized and conducted in consultation with the person. Advisors from Sjónstöðin can visit homes and institutions upon request. Accessibility is assessed, and suggestions for improvements are provided to enhance independence in activities of daily living.

All blind and visually impaired senior citizens are offered assessments, training, and the allocation of assistive devices, such as computer-related equipment and software, Braille materials, glasses, magnifiers, audio players, and white canes.

Counseling is also provided for individuals with combined visual and hearing impairments, with strong collaboration between Sjónstöðin and other organizations, such as Heyrnar- og talmeinastöð Íslands, Samskiptamiðstöð heyrnarlausra og heyrnarskertra, social services, and advocacy groups like Blindrafélagið.


Contact us

Phone number: 545 4900

National ID: 480109-1390

Opening hours

Monday to Thursday 10am to 3pm
Fridays 10am to 1pm

Telephone service
Monday to Thursday 10am to 3pm, Friday 10am to 1pm


Hamrahlíð 17
105 Reykjavík

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