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When you apply for Icelandic citizenship, the Directorate of Immigration processes the information you provide. The information is used to evaluate whether you meet the conditions for Icelandic citizenship according to the Icelandic Nationality Act.

If necessary, the Directorate of Immigration may obtain additional information about you from national and/or foreign sources in order to ensure that your information is correct and/or to verify the validity of certificates. The Act on Data Protection and the Processing of Personal Data is always respected when gathering information.

Information obtained or potentially obtained by the Directorate of Immigration from third parties

  • CreditInfo - If unsuccessful attachment has been made in an applicant’s property in the past three years, his/her estate has been accepted for liquidation or the applicant is in arrears with the payment of taxes, this prevents the granting of citizenship. The Directorate of Immigration is authorized to obtain information from CreditInfo in confirmation of this. 

  • Skatturinn (Iceland Revenue and Customs) - The Directorate of Immigration gathers information from Skatturinn to confirm that an applicant for Icelandic citizenship can support him-/herself financially. If an applicant does not meet the criteria for financial support based on the documents submitted, the Directorate of Immigration may gather information about the applicant's marital spouse from Skatturinn's withholding tax register (pay-as-you-earn-tax). The applicant's spouse will be informed upon such an examination.

  • The Icelandic Police – The Directorate of Immigration is required to obtain comments about an applicant for Icelandic citizenship from the chief of police at the applicant's place of residence.

  • Registers Iceland (Þjóðskrá) - The Directorate of Immigration gathers information from the national registry in confirmation of an applicant's legal domicile, marital status and registration of children in the same household.

  • Directorate of Education - The Directorate of Immigration may gather information on the registration and results of an applicant's Icelandic language test.

If Icelandic citizenship is granted, the Directorate of Immigration forwards information necessary for registration in the Icelandic national registry to Registers Iceland.

Information about you may be used to process subsequent applications and/or applications by family members to ensure the validity of the information.

Providing incorrect information to the Directorate of Immigration is a violatoin of the Foreign Nationals Act and punishable according to the General Penal Code and the Icelandic Nationality Act.

Further information on your rights under the Act on Data Protection and the Processing of Personal Data is available in the Directorate's Data Protection Policy.

Apply for citizenship