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The Í App

Foreign nationals can apply for Icelandic citizenship electronically for themselves and their children, younger than 18, in one application.

You must have an electronic certificate to fill out your application, see electronic certificate registration sites. The application does not need to be completed in one session; fill-in can be paused and continued when convenient within the next 60 days.

A response to the application will be sent to your Digital Mailbox at Í You can access the Mailbox by logging in to My pages on and selecting "Documents".

Before applying

It is important that you first familiarize yourself with

An application cannot be completed unless a copy of all the requested documents is provided as an attachment in pdf format.

Who might not need to apply

If you are a Nordic citizen, a child of an Icelandic citizen, a former Icelandic citizen or a young person between 18 and 21 years, it may be sufficient to send a notification or a request to the Directorate of Immigration to acquire Icelandic citizenship.

Notifications and requests are simpler to handle than general applications, so we recommend you first check to see if that applies to you.

Processing fee

The fee for an application for Icelandic citizenship is 27 000 ISK.

Only one fee is paid, even though applications are also made for children.


If you meet all the conditions laid down in the Icelandic Nationality Act, a citizenship certificate is issued to you, which you will receive by mail. You will also be notified that you can obtain the original certificates, which you submitted with the application, at the Directorate of Immigration.

After you have become an Icelandic citizen, you can apply for an Icelandic passport. A passport is applied for at the offices of district commissioners.

If you do not qualify for citizenship, your application will be rejected. You will receive the rejection by registered mail.

Laws and regulations

Icelandic Nationality Act
Reglugerð um próf í íslensku fyrir umsækjendur um íslenskan ríkisborgararétt

Apply for citizenship