Participation in payment for dental care
Iceland Health participates in the costs of general dentistry for children up to 18 years of age and pensioners in accordance with the contract on dentistry and with the restrictions stated therein.
Furthermore, Iceland Health will participate in costs for serious consequences of birth defects, diseases and accidents. See further regulation on dentistry.
The prerequisite for receiving payment from Iceland Health is that children are registered with a general practitioner. You can register with a general practitioner on My pages under Health - Health Center.
The annual arrival fee is 3,500 ISK.
General dental repair
Iceland Health pays all costs up to the age of 18 for both general dental repairs and general anaesthesia in accordance with the contract on dentistry and with the restrictions stated therein.
The exception is the dental repair fee for dental repairs in anaesthesia.
General dentistry includes dental examinations, diagnostics, X-rays, regular check-ups, dental repair, root fillings, periodontal care and dental extraction.
Children and young people
Iceland Health pays 100% for necessary treatments by a dentist for serious consequences of birth defects, diseases or accidents that occur before the age of 18 but is not professionally appropriate to be performed until after the full bone development has been achieved. However, this authorization is generally valid for no longer than until the age of 30. Grants are granted for the extraction of end jaw after the age of 18 has been reached.
The dentist sends the application electronically to Iceland Health before treatment begins.
Pensioners include elderly and disabled persons, including individuals with rehabilitation pension from the Social Insurance Administration.
Iceland Health pays 75% of general dental repairs in accordance with the contract on dentistry and with the restrictions stated therein.
General dentistry includes dental examinations, diagnostics, X-rays, regular check-ups, dental repair, root fillings, periodontal care, dental extraction and free dental implants.
Loose Denture
Iceland Health pays 75% of both dental and dental costs every six years. Feeding of the gums is also paid for every three years.
Iceland Health participates in the cost of up to four dental implants in the top of the toothless lower jaw and two dental implants in the bottom of the toothless lower jaw.
The dentist sends the application electronically to Iceland Health before treatment begins.
Solid Dentures
For bridging dental implants instead of retainers, Iceland Health pays the corresponding amount as paid for retainers, but the individual pays the excess costs themselves.
Crowns or tooth plants
A grant of ISK 139,196 is granted for dental implants or other fixed dentures in the teeth of the gums before the 12 year old jaws in each 12-month period.
The persons who have fully used up the grant for the construction of fixed dentures and dental implants before July 1, 2024 may be entitled to the difference between this amount and what they have previously been paid, provided that it is a new treatment (on other teeth/dental positions than previously sponsored) and that treatment provided after July 1, 2024.
You do not need to apply for the grant. The dentist will reduce the bill you receive.
Long term sickness includes the disabled and the elderly who are chronically ill and stay in hospitals, nursing homes or nursing rooms in institutions for the elderly;
Chronic illness also includes mentally retarded people with a confirmed diagnosis F70-73 according to ICD-10. An application for increased payment participation must be submitted to Iceland Health for these people.
Those who fall under this definition are entitled to higher payment participation by Iceland Health.
Serious consequences of birth defects, accidents and diseases
In the case of serious consequences of congenital defects, diseases or accidents in the leisure time, and an accident is not paid by the insurance company, Iceland Health shall pay 80% of the agreed price list and with the limits stated therein. Purchased dental construction costs and research are paid in proportion to the work of the dentist to a certain maximum.
In serious cases specified in the Regulation, Iceland Health pays 95% of the costs, according to the agreed price list, with the limits stated therein.
Examples: a cleft of the upper tooth bow, cleft palate, Craniofacial Syndromes/Deformities which can cause severe dental malformations, congenital missing one or more front teeth or eyeballs in the upper palate or missing two adjacent adults before the 12 year old jaw or severe discrepancy in the growth of bones in the skull and jaw where treatment requires a jaw transplantation procedure.
The dentist sends the application electronically to Iceland Health before treatment begins.
Dental practice

Service provider
Iceland Health