Participation in payment for dental care
Dental services abroad
Pensioners and children can apply for dental services in other countries within the EEA, the UK and Switzerland and then apply for reimbursement of dental bills.
Other health insured persons are not entitled to participate in the payment of dental insurance unless the problem is a serious and demonstrable result of birth defects, disease or accident. In such cases, an application for prior approval must be submitted to Iceland Health.
From 1 February 2024, Iceland Health co-payment is 75% of general dental repairs in accordance with the agreement on dentistry and with the limitations stated therein.
General dentistry includes, among other things, examination, diagnosis, x-rays, regular check-ups, dental restorations, root canals, periodontics, tooth extractions and loose dentures.
More information about co-payment by Iceland Health can be found under Co-payment for dentistry.
Obligation to apply for co-payment in dental implants for edentulous palates
As of September 1, 2024, the co-payment of the disabled and the elderly for the insertion of a dental implant in a toothless palate will henceforth be subject to an approved application to Iceland Health, as has been the case for certain costly treatments. Application for consent for treatment for dental work abroad can be found under Eyðublöð og vottorð - Réttindi milli landa, Umsókn um samþykki fyrir meðferð vegna tannlæknaverks erlendis. (Only available in Icelandic)
The following documents must be included with the application for co-payment by Iceland Health:
Allowed account from the service provider's accounting system
Detailed breakdown of the work done, including the dates of each work, the number of teeth that were treated and the name of the flat teeth in case of repair/filling. Please note that the data must be in English or Icelandic.
Payment confirmation
Iceland Health have the right to request further data if necessary.
Iceland Health does not contribute to travel and maintenance costs.
Please note that Iceland Health can request that individuals have data that is not in English translated and that cost is not reimbursed by Iceland Health. We advise individuals to always ask for all data in English.
Cost estimates are not accepted for calculation of payment participation, but Iceland Health refunds in accordance with Iceland Health price list.
Note that Iceland Health is not allowed to pay more than the actual cost.

Service provider
Iceland Health