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Repeated short journeys due to serious diseases may be paid for. The criteria for payment are that:

  • This is a serious illness

  • Distance is less than 20 km

  • Normally, two or more trips are made in four weeks or a shorter period

  • Patient is unable to travel on public transport due to the patients illness

  • Travelling by taxi or private car

Application process

To be reimbursed for travel costs:

  1. The doctor or midwife should apply for reimbursement of travel costs.

  2. Applicants keep all supporting documents:
    - The form completed by the doctor
    - Taxi payment receipts
    - Summary of arrivals from therapist

  3. The applicant sends all documents to District Commissioners Agencies in the applicants hometown, and the authorization is to forward them to Iceland Health if necessary. Residents of the capital area submit data directly to the Icelandic Health Insurance.

Data can also be submitted electronically through Data submission of individuals .


Generally, reimbursement is made based on the total cost of the applicant and escort:

  • 3/4 of the cost of a taxi or 2/3 of the kilometer's fee if a private car is used.

Service provider

Ice­land Health