Payment contributions for domestic travel costs
Travel for pension applications
Travel for an interview or examination regarding an application for an invalidity or rehabilitation pension with the Social Insurance Administration is paid, e.g. for a skills evaluation, disability assessment, or other assessment that is necessary.
Application process
There is no need to separately apply for reimbursement of the travel expenses, as the Insurance Agency sends Iceland Health information about an interview or examination. The applicant only needs to send payment receipts for fares or fuel purchases for a private car to Iceland Health agency in the local area.
Reimbursement is generally made for each trip:
2/3 of the fare by air, ferry or scheduled bus. If you are travelling with your own car, this cost is calculated from the distance and .
The cost portion of the applicant (1/3 of the fare) never exceeds ISK 1,500 per return trip.
The applicant's share of the costs is reduced to ISK 500. for each trip if its cost exceeds ISK 10,000. during the last 12 months or during the calendar year from 01.01.2024.

Service provider
Iceland Health