Payment contributions for domestic travel costs
Long journeys by health service
As a rule, you may apply for a refund of two trips based on essential healthcare services in each 12-month period for travel taken before 31.12.2023, but three trips in each calendar year for travel from 01.01.2024. From 01.07.2024, the right extends to four trips per calendar year.
The 12-month period (for journeys undertaken before 31.12.2023) shall begin at the time of the first paid trip approved by Iceland Health. When a 12-month period following the first paid trip ends, the first trip approved thereafter marks the beginning of a new 12-month period. The criteria for payment are that:
Travel is over 20 km
Comparable services not available in the local area
A trip must take less than one week, unless it involves hospitalization or longer medical treatment
Repeated journeys may be facilitated in the case of certain serious diseases, further defined in regulations. The following diseases may be applied for:
Kidney failure
Serious heart problems
Serious diseases of children
Serious mental illness
Serious problems in pregnancy
Artificial fertilization treatment involving Iceland Health
Dental care due to very serious consequences of congenital defects, accidents and diseases
Prophylaxis of malignancy in individuals with increased risk for such diseases due to genetic factors.
Applications may also be made for a return trip after an emergency transfer.
Application process for trips 30.06.2024 or before
To be reimbursed for travel costs:
Doctor or midwife, if applicable, apply for reimbursement of travel costs
Doctor or midwife will complete the form Confirmation of essential patient travel outside the home region or National travel costs report, as applicable
The applicant keeps all documentation:
The form completed by a doctor or midwife
Air, ferry, regular or public transport tickets
Taxi receipts (for dialysis treatment up to 60 kilometers) and tolls
Travel fuel receipts when travelling by private car.
Confirmation of an appointment to the doctor or a copy of an invoice, if Iceland Health has not received electronic information on the visit/admission from the therapist.
The applicant sends all documents to District Commissioners Agencies in his/her hometown, and the authorization is to forward them to Iceland Health if necessary. Residents of the capital area submit data directly to Iceland Health.
Data may also be submitted electronically through Data submission of individuals
Four trips or less per calendar year
Due to trips made after 01.07.2024, a doctor's or midwife's certificate is not required.
The applicant submits a ticket for a flight, ferry, scheduled bus or public transport or a receipt for fuel purchases.
The data is returned to District Commissioners Agencies in his/her hometown or electronically through Data submission of individuals.
Repeated trips due to serious illnesses
A doctor or midwife applies for reimbursement of travel expenses on the form Report for domestic travel expenses
The applicant keeps track of all data:
The form filled out by a doctor or midwife
Tickets for flights, ferries, scheduled buses or public transport
Receipts for taxi (due to hemodialysis treatment up to 60 kilometers) and road tolls
Payment receipts for fuel purchases during the trip when traveling by private carr.
Confirmation of visit to the doctor or a copy of the invoice, if Iceland Health has not received electronic information about visit/admission from the therapist.
A refund is generally paid for each trip, based on the total cost of the applicant and escort:
2/3 of the fare by air, ferry or scheduled bus. If you are travelling by car , this cost is calculated from the distance and .
The cost portion of the applicant (1/3 of the fare) never exceeds ISK 1,500 per return trip.
The cost share of the applicant will be reduced to ISK 500 per trip if the cost exceeds ISK 10,000 in the past 12 months or per calendar year from 01.01.2024.

Service provider
Iceland Health