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Course on guide dogs

22nd November 2024

A course is being planned for blind and visually impaired individuals on the use, care, and training of guide dogs, which is a prerequisite for maintaining an active application for a guide dog.

A course is being planned for blind and visually impaired individuals on the use, care, and training of guide dogs, which is a prerequisite for maintaining an active application for a guide dog.

The first part of the course will be held on December 10 and 11 and will include, among other topics, education and discussions on the basics of dog training, dog care and maintenance, the training process, and more.

The second part of the course will span three days at the end of January or the beginning of February, with exact dates to be announced soon. This part will include further education as well as practical training, where participants will have the opportunity to try working with a guide dog under the supervision of a dog trainer.

The course will be conducted in English, but a staff member from Sjónstöðin will assist with translations for those who need it. Please indicate in your registration if you require such assistance.

Location: Remote participation from home or at Sjónstöðin.

Schedule: First part, December 10 and 11, from 1:00 PM to 4:00 PM via remote participation. Second part, end of January or early February, at Sjónstöðin, Hamrahlíð 17.

Instructors are guide dog trainers from Kustmarkens Guide Dog Breeding Center in Sweden.

To register for the course, contact Sjónstöðin by phone at 5455800 or via email at The registration deadline is Wednesday, December 4.


Contact us

Phone number: 545 4900

National ID: 480109-1390

Opening hours

Monday to Thursday 10am to 3pm
Fridays 10am to 1pm

Telephone service
Monday to Thursday 10am to 3pm, Friday 10am to 1pm


Hamrahlíð 17
105 Reykjavík

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