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Icelandic Radiation Safety Authoroty Frontpage

Icelandic Radiation Safety Authority

UV radiation measurements in Reykjavík

Measurements of the UV index with a Vantage Pro 2 radiation meter (Davis Instruments, Hayward, CA, USA) at the Icelandic Radiation Safety Authority at Rauðarárstígur 10, 105 Reykjavík begun on 19 May 2022. Measurements are presented for informational purposes only.

UV index measurements are uploaded every 15 minutes through WeatherLink (overview of the meter on Weatherlink). For each 15 minute measurement period, a maximum measurement of the UV index across the period is obtained. The meter may not return measured UV index values during winter due to low charge on the solar cell of the meter.

The UV app SunSmart can be used to display predicted UV index values around the world. The app is available through the App store and Google Play.

Icelandic Radiation Safety Authoroty

Contact us

Telephone: 440 8200


Opening hours

All weekdays from 9 to 12 and 13 to 15


Rauðarárstígur 10

105 Reykjavík

ID number: 540286-1169