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Icelandic Radiation Safety Authoroty Frontpage
Icelandic Radiation Safety Authoroty Frontpage

Icelandic Radiation Safety Authority


Courses are regularly held for responsible persons of x-ray equipment and radioactive materials, and all responsible persons must attend a course at least once.

See more about the (only available in Icelandic).

Technicians who install and repair x-ray equipment or devices containing radiation sources are also required to attend the institute's courses.

If the course dates are not available , you can sign up for a waiting list.

Other courses and educational lectures are held according to demand, often in collaboration with organizations or companies where ionizing radiation is used.

Inquiries regarding courses or requests for education can be sent to

Icelandic Radiation Safety Authoroty

Contact us

Telephone: 440 8200


Opening hours

All weekdays from 9 to 12 and 13 to 15


Rauðarárstígur 10

105 Reykjavík

ID number: 540286-1169