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The Health Care Institution of South Iceland Frontpage
The Health Care Institution of South Iceland Frontpage

The Healthcare Institution of South Iceland

Nurcery home

HSU nursing homes are located in Selfoss and the Westman Islands.

The nursing homes provide individualised nursing where the staff supervises each member of the home and seeks to meet his or her physical, mental and social needs in cooperation with the family members. Efforts are made to assist and support individuals in the activities of daily life. Activity in daily life is necessary and can involve various activities depending on the interest, will and ability of each individual. Activities can include, for example, joining and talking, dancing, singing, gymnastics or a walk.

To apply you must first do this færni- og heilsumat.

Those seeking a placement of rest in a nursing home can apply here Umsókn um hvíldarinnlögn á hjúkrunarheimili