Digital Iceland Academy
Table of contents
Available courses
The course is aimed at all those working on material processing for Í
1.5 hours of course - held electronically.
The course is held monthly.
The course is based on the Accessibility and Content Strategy from Í and also on the Contentful web based curriculum.
Ideally that all writers of material on Í should review each year.
The course is intended for official employees to set up applications in the Í application system.
1.5 hours of courses with a realistic project.
The course is designed for employees of public entities leading digital projects.
One-day courses - held outside the institution.
The course is based on a realistic project - kept out of the institution.
At the end of the course, participants will:
Know better what digital development involves and be more comfortable in identifying the opportunities that come with it.
Increased skills for managing digital projects.
Know the common issues and obstacles that come with the change-process.
Have an opportunity to try out the proposed changes in their field.
The course is designed for independent consultants, return managers and product managers within institutions.
3-day courses - held outside the institution.
The course is based on the experience of previous projects and the main points that come up in digital projects are covered. Go deeper into specifics and technology behind Í than in the course digital leader.
Course material:
Policy and ideology of Í
Introduction of Í's core services, how they work and work together and be used as tools in providing digital services
Digital project processes, what to keep in mind, cheques that you can work with.
Cooperation between the agency, tendering teams and Digital Iceland. Who does what and where lies the responsibility.
Tools and tools that support digital services.
Key concepts in software development, such as the first version (MVP), evaluation of the impact of data protection, development ahead in electronic certificates, and more.
Service process analysis
At the end of the course, participants will:
Know better what digital development involves and be more comfortable in identifying the opportunities that come with it.
Skills for managing digital projects, roadmap and analysis work.
Know the common issues and obstacles that come with the change-process.
Have an opportunity to try out the proposed changes in their field.
Send an email to to get information about next courses.