Digital Chat
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Digital chat videos
Digital transformation is constantly coming up in the discussion, but what does it really mean and what does it have to do with everyday life in Iceland? The digital transformation is indeed as much about people as it is about technology, and therefore nothing is more important than for people to understand and trust digital services. This will result in simplifying the lives of us all as well as opening our eyes to the opportunities of digital transformation in the course of our lives and work . . . and the positive environmental impact is yet to be covered.
In celebration of the International Day for Data Protection, we shall adopt the first chat on Data Protection. In order to answer various thoughts regarding data protection, Atli Stefán Yngvason and Vigdís Eva Líndal are the first guests of the Digital chat.
Atli Stefán Yngvason is from the information technology company Koala and Vigdís Eva Líndal, director of foreign cooperation and education at the Data Protection Authority.
Published 28th January 2022
In this Digital Chat, we dive into electronic signings a little. What it means to sign electronically? What is the legal significance of this? What are the opportunities? What does this look like for individuals, companies, and institutions? What does the future look like?
Arnaldur Axfjörð, the project director of security for the Directorate of Health, chats with us about electronic signatures, goes through what they are doing and shows how they can be done.
Published 16th March 2022
In this Digital Chat, we chat about the Digital Mailbox of Í In mid-2021, a law was passed on the Digital Mailbox, the first in Iceland to directly address digital services. The law aims to promote efficient public services, increase transparency and administrative efficiency and ensure a secure way to disseminate data to individuals and businesses. It is also the law's aim that the main communication channel between the government and individuals should be digital and centralized in one place.
The guests of the Digital Chat this time are Hólmfríður Sigríður Jónsdóttir, project manager at Digital Iceland, Ragnhildur Helga Ragnarsdóttir product manager at Digital Iceland, and Vilhjálmur Örn Sigurhjartarson Director of the Financial Management Authority. Host is Vigdís Jóhannsdóttir CMO of Digital Iceland.
Published 7th December 2022
This time we are going to talk about organizations' websites, which is one of the core services available to organizations at Digital Iceland. Already 8 organizations have used this service and 20 more are preparing to transfer their websites and become part of Í
But what does this mean for users sitting at home, yes, and what changes does this mean for organizations? What is the thinking behind this and the purpose?
The guests of the Digital Forum this time are Bryndís Pétursdóttir, project manager of the Council of County Commissioners, Kolbrún Eir Óskarsdóttir, project manager at Digital Iceland and Kristján Þorvaldsson, department manager of the IT department of Sjúkratrygging.
Published 3rd February 2023
A third of the population regularly uses the Í app and even more digital certificates that can be found in the app. But what is the idea behind the Í app and who is it for?
The Í app and digital and digital certificates are the topics of the fifth episode of the Digital Forum.
In this episode, we talk about digital ID cards and the Í app, how it all works together and how it is useful for people in their lives and work.
The guests this time are Gunnar Haukur Stefánsson, head of the software development department at the National Police Commissioner, Þórarinn Þórarinsson, police officer in the licensing department of the Police in the capital area, and Sigurbjörn Óskarsson, product manager at Digital Iceland.
Published 16th February 2023
This time the chat is about the Í authentication system, a project called Login for all, one of the core services available to agencies at Digital Iceland. But what does digital authentication mean for users at home? Does it have any impact on our daily lives? What is the idea of Login for all, and what is the purpose?
The guests on this 6th episode of the Digital Chat are Adeline Tracz, project manager for new development from the National University Hospital, Eiríkur Nilsson founder and technical director at Aranja, and Hrefna Lind Ásgeirsdóttir CTO for Digital Iceland.
Published 12th April 2023
In this episode, the Digital Chat is about My Pages Í, but My Pages is one of the core services available to organisations at Digital Iceland.
But what does this mean for users sitting at home, does this have any effect on our daily lives? What is the idea behind My Pages Í and what is the purpose?
The guests of the Digital Chat are Lárus Long, department head of the IT department of Samgöngustofa, Ragnheiður Þorleifsdóttir, manager of Hugsmiðjann, and Ragnhildur Helga Ragnarsdóttir, product manager at Digital Iceland.
Published 28th April 2023
In this episode, we chat about the Í application system, one of the core services available to institutions at Digital Iceland. But what does this mean for users at home? Does it have any impact on our daily lives? What is the thinking of the Icelandic application system and what is the purpose?
The guests in this Digital Chat Anna Sigríður Vilhelmsdóttir at the information technology department of Fiskistofa, Telma Hrönn Númadóttir, project manager at Norda and Gunnar Ingi Reykjalín Sveinsson, implementation and product manager at Digital Iceland.
Published 8th June 2023
In the Digital Chat, we aim to address issues and questions that often come up in general discussions regarding digital transformation with the aim of guiding and putting things into human language if possible.
Digital transformation is indeed as much about people as it is about technology, and therefore nothing is more important than for people to understand and trust digital services. This will result in simplifying the lives of us all as well as opening our eyes to the opportunities of digital transformation in the course of our lives and work . . . and the positive environmental impact is yet to be covered. The goal of the Digital Chat is to increase understanding and open our eyes to the opportunities that are within our grasp if we know where to look.
In this episode, we chat with experts from the White House from Washington D.C., who are leading the digitization of government in the US. The Digital Chat will therefore be conducted in English. The topics of discussion concern the digital journey of the United States, where the US is on its digital journey, problems, and solutions.
Guests are Clare Martorana Federal Chief Information Officer, Cassie Witners Policy Analyst, and Andrew Lewandowski Digital Experience Advisor to the Federal Chief Information Officer. They all work in the White House in an office called the OMB (Office of Management and Budget), the Executive Office of the President of the United States.
Leading the chat is Vigdís Jóhannsdóttir, marketing manager for Digital Iceland. Digital Iceland is responsible for improving digital public services in collaboration with institutions.