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Accident insurance - application for compensation in the event of an accident

Notification of an accident

Processing of personal data

The applicant confirms with his signature that the information contained in the application is correct. The processing of personal data in connection with the proceedings is complied with the provisions of Article 50 of the Act No. 112/2008 on health insurance, the provisions of Act No. 90/2018 on the Protection of Privacy and the Processing of Personal Data and the provisions of Act No. 97/1997 on the Rights of Patients, when applicable, see Article 25(2) of Act No. 45/2015. All information related to the application is treated as confidential.

When processing personal data, appropriate technical and organisational measures are taken to ensure the security of the data. The exchange of data is carried out through secure web portals, according to Article 50 of Act No. 112/2008. Case data will be stored in Iceland Health secure operational environment. The preservation of data is governed by Act No. 77/2014 on Public Archives.

Further information on the processing of personal data by Iceland Health and the Data Protection Authority is available in Iceland Health Personal Data Protection and Privacy Policy for individuals who communicate with the institution.

Gathering information:

In processing the application for compensation from the social insurance policy, Iceland Health will obtain information, if deemed necessary, from the following institutions:

Directorate of Labour:

  • Information on periods of unemployment benefits and payments from the Maternity/Paternity Leave Fund from the Directorate of Labour

Iceland Revenue and Customs:

  • Information on wage payments/calculated remuneration

  • Name and ID number of employer

  • Information on whether domestic insurance is valid

Social Insurance Administration:

  • Information on disability or rehabilitation assessment (status)

  • Information on payments that cannot be made in addition to accident insurance (status)

Registers Iceland:

  • Name, ID number and address information

  • Information on children and spouses

In individual cases it may be necessary to obtain information about the accident from the employer, sports associations or training institutions if it is not obtained from the injured.

The data collection is based on Articles 3 and 5 to 9 of Act No. 90/2018 on the Protection of Privacy and the Processing of Personal Data, see Article 34 (3) of Act No. 112/2008 on Health Insurance, Article 3 of Act No. 70/2018 on Registers Iceland and Article 25 (2) of Act No. 45/2015, see Article 43 of the Social Security Act No. 100/2007.

The applicant must obtain the following data:

  • Injury certificate, emergency department record or first-come/first-served contact form from the doctor after the accident

  • Accounts for expenses incurred

  • Other medical data from the therapists, which are necessary for the processing of the case.

Sharing information

Iceland Health will share information on the outcome of the case with employers, sports associations and, where applicable, with the training institution, that is information on whether an accident has been approved, the liability has been rejected or the procedure has been postponed. This is because the parties in question may be entitled to reimbursement of expenses incurred and/or accident-day allowance if wages have been paid in sickness compensation for the accident. These parties will never receive health or medical records information.

Administration of Occupational Safety and Health may receive a copy of the application on the basis of Article 79(4) of Act No. 46/1980.

The Investigative Commission of Transport Accidents may obtain a copy of this form on the basis of Articles 12 and 16 of Act No. 18/2013.

Social Insurance Administration receives information on compensation payments that are not paid alongside the institution's compensation, see Article 14 of Act No. 45/2015.

If the employer reports an accident to Iceland Health, Iceland Health can, upon written request from the injured, disseminate information on who reported the accident on behalf of the employer, i.e. name and e-mail address, if the e-mail address is related to the employer's activities.

More about the application process

If it is not possible to decide on the right to benefits, the amount and payment of benefits and to review them due to lack of necessary information attributable to the applicant, Iceland Health may delay the decision and payment of benefits until it is resolved. The institution shall immediately alert the person concerned in the event of a delay and instruct him/her to provide the necessary information, see Article 34(5) of Act No. 112/2008 on Health Insurance.

Notification of an accident

Service provider

Ice­land Health