Accident insurance - application for compensation in the event of an accident
Individuals who have been involved in an accident liable for compensation may be entitled to compensation for accidents. Liability is, on other grounds, due to accidents at work, vocational or vocational training, rescue work and sports. Accidents in the course of domestic work are also liable for compensation if the insurance on a tax return was applied for. Accident insurance also covers occupational diseases caused by work or conditions in the working environment. Generally, car accidents are not liable for compensation.
Accident benefits for the injured person can include reimbursement of medical expenses, payment of disability and injury benefits, and death benefits if the accident resulted in death. Per diem payments are also paid if the accident resulted in incapacity for work. If the employer pays wages in the event of accident, the day-to-day allowance shall be paid to the employer, otherwise directly to the injured party.
How can the accident be compensated
As a general rule, notification of an accident must be confirmed by both the injured person and the employer. In the case of accidents involving self-employed work or domestic work, only confirmation of the injured person is required. In the case of fatal accidents, the next-of-kin will report instead of the deceased.
To apply for accident compensation you must:
Check if the prerequisites are met
Obtain necessary supporting documents
The other party (the injured party or the employer) applies for a Notification of Accident
- the notification can also be sent on a form to Iceland Health or commissioner's offices outside the capital area, then the form must be signed by both parties.The other party receives a post about the notification and confirms it with an electronic identification
Iceland Health review applications and call for further documentation if necessary, see application processing time. All accidents should normally be reported within one year, but exemptions from this rule may be granted if certain conditions are met. Police assistance may be sought if the employer neglects to accept a notification.
How are medical expenses reimbursed?
If reimbursement of medical expenses is requested, it must be applied for together with the notification of the accident:
Submit a signed Reimbursement for medical expenses request to Iceland Health or to a sheriff's office outside the capital area
Invoices must also be submitted for the cost of healthcare
- if the method of payment is not shown in the invoice, confirmation of payment in the form of payment receipts is also required.
- invoices do not need originals, data may be transmitted electronically.
Applications may be made again for reimbursement for medical expenses that are added after an accident was reported, as long as the cost is within 5 years from the date of the accident. Medical expenses are reimbursed under health insurance contracts. Note that expenses already paid by the union, insurance company or other parties are not refundable.
Inquiries and data are accepted at Iceland Health service and call center and through Data submission of individuals.

Service provider
Iceland Health