Accident insurance - application for compensation in the event of an accident
Accident compensation
If the event is considered liable for compensation, the following categories of benefits are taken into consideration:
Medical care, reimbursement of medical expenses
Per diem incapacity for work
Disability/misjudgement compensation lump sums for permanent damages
Death compensation for fatal accidents
Benefits, except for disability pensions, shall only be paid two years back in time from the time all documentation was received by Iceland Health.
Medical help
Expenses incurred due to an accident can be reimbursed, you must apply for reimbursement separately. Payment is made according to Iceland Health contracts for:
Medical assistance
Medicinal products and packaging
Dental repairs for damage to healthy or well-repaired teeth
- Payments for repairs of poorer teeth are limited to the estimated cost if they had been healthyProsthetics and assistive devices
- Prosthetics, splints, orthopedic footwear and similar aids for direct consequences of an accident.Ambulance
- First after an accident and later if necessary. Repeated trips for treatment are excluded.Physiotherapy
Domestic travel costs
- Necessary travel due to accidents is paid for. Accommodation costs are not reimbursed.
Accident date money
If the injured person is unable to work due to an accident for at least 10 days, accident allowance is paid. If the employer pays a salary in the event of an accident, the accident allowance is paid to the employer, otherwise directly to the injured person. The following applies to them:
Payment may be made for up to 52 weeks in respect of each accident. - The additional period of time may be short in connection with the taking of the action.
Pensioners with pensioners may experience a reduction in pension payments due to the payment of per diem benefits.
The amount of payment shall be based on an annual update. Payments may not exceed 3/4 of the applicant's working income before the accident. Payment is:
From day 8 incapacity for work
Supplement for dependent children of the applicant
- Due to children outside the home, payment is made if it is proven that the applicant also pays child support
Disability benefits - for accidents that occurred on or before 31.12.2021
If the injured person suffered permanent damage as a result of the accident, he/she may request an assessment of permanent medical invalidity. The assessment is made when stability has been reached and no further improvement is expected. The invalidity benefits shall be paid in a lump sum equivalent to a proportion of a monthly invalidity pension received for a given number of years. The ratio is based on the percentage point of the disability assessment and the number of years depending on the nature of the accident.
75 % or more disability:
The lump sum is based on a full disability pension.
10%-74% disability:
50% of the disability provides 50% of the monthly pension, each disability level up to 74% provides such an extra 2%. An individual with 74% disability would therefore receive 98% of the monthly pension. No disability benefits are paid for 9% or less disability.
Accident compensation – due to accidents that occurred on 01.01.2022 and later
If the injured person sustained permanent damage as a result of the accident, he or she may request an assessment of permanent loss. The assessment is made when stability has been reached and no further improvement is expected. Injury compensation is calculated according to the rules of the tort law and is paid as a lump sum payment. No compensation is paid in error unless the assessment is 10 points or higher.
Death benefits
Death benefits are paid if an accident causes death within 2 years from the date of the accident. The spouse of the deceased is paid a lump sum which is determined by law and regularly updated by regulation. If the deceased did not have a spouse, the amount is paid to the estate.
A lump sum is also paid to a child aged 16 and over, if the child is 33% disabled or more. The condition is that the child was dependent on the deceased at the time of the accident, and the amount of the lump sum payment depends on the extent to which the child was supported by the deceased.
Please note that it is possible to apply for a child pension from the Social Insurance Administration due to the death of a parent.

Service provider
Iceland Health