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InterRAI assessment on the need for nursing and the health of nursing home residents

Implementation of interRAI assessment in the home care

-Automatic translation

InterRAI assessment (Resident Assessment Instrument) is an international assessment instrument measuring health, nursing, and service needs. The instrument was developed in the United States and Canada but has been translated and adapted in many countries. Various versions of InterRAI assessment exist, including InterRAI Nursing Home, InterRAI Home Care, and InterRAI Mental Health.

InterRAI assessments have been carried out for years at nursing homes in Iceland, and the institutions partly base their fees on the nursing weight factor according to the InterRAI assessment. Since 2011, InterRAI Home Care has been used in home care in the capital area and at the Healthcare Institution of South Iceland in Selfoss.

Lecture on InterRAI Home Care, evaluation, and MAPLE

The lecture (Icelandic) intends to introduce the usefulness of InterRAI Home Care, the different parts of the instrument, and its duration. It discusses the MAPLE algorithm, which can justify and prioritise service to individuals in home care, and how InterRAI Home Care and MAPLE are used in Canada. Also, the main results of the 2013 development project, which involved both the implementation of the InterRAI Home Care and the MAPLE algorithm, are reviewed.

The implementation of InterRAI-HC in home care was resumed on 1 October 2016. Publication and teaching of the utilisation of results took place in all parts of the country, and implementation is considered complete.


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