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InterRAI assessment on the need for nursing and the health of nursing home residents

Conducting interRAI assessment

-Automatic translation

InterRAI nursing home assessment is an international instrument that measures individuals' health, skills, and nursing needs. The instrument provides systematic and accurate documentation of health, quality, guidelines for treatment, and cost analysis.

InterRAI assessments have been carried out for years at nursing homes in Iceland, and the institutions partly base their fees on the nursing weight factor according to the InterRAI assessment.

Educational material and courses

Anyone performing an interRAI assessment must attend courses or familiarise themselves with educational material and online classes on this page. The course aims to ensure that everyone assesses the same way and to make reliable comparisons between institutions, service units, and regions.

The course is twofold. On the one hand, there are educational videos and material that participants study; on the other hand, there are training sessions or participation in a workshop.

How do you learn to do the assessment?

The first step is to print out the help material, the form, guidelines, and exercises, then watch all the videos published on this website. Next, read the exercises and make an assessment. The guidelines are read as soon as the assessment is made and recorded on the form. The guidelines contain detailed instructions and definitions of how each item is assessed. Next, you can print out the answers to the exercises and compare them to your results.

Setting up a workshop in institutions or regions to do the exercise assessment is good. Everyone needs to have looked at the videos and printed the teaching materials when they arrive at the workshop. The group is divided into 2-3 people who jointly assess the cases presented in the exercises. When all groups have completed evaluating the exercises, the answers are reviewed and compared to the answer sheet. In this way, it is possible to have valuable discussions about the assessment preparation and the answers to the exercises.


Other data for the workshop