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InterRAI assessment on the need for nursing and the health of nursing home residents

About the instrument

-Automatic translation

InterRAI quality indicators are used to monitor the quality of care in nursing homes. Among other things, they are used to set out nursing benchmarks.

Icelandic quality standards for interRAI quality indicators are used. They are based on Icelandic conditions and scientific knowledge.

It should be remembered that quality indicators always indicate treatment and care in nursing homes rather than the absolute truth. Therefore, each subject must be examined thoroughly.

Icelandic quality standards

Quality criteria for specific quality indicators are shown in the table above. It shows both the upper and lower quality criteria for each quality indicator. The criteria are defined as follows:

A poor quality criterion (upper limit) describes a problem regarding care and treatment. This subject needs further investigation and needs improvement.

A good quality criterion (lower limit) describes good or excellent care and treatment. Work towards maintaining this quality and, if possible, to improve it even further.

Quality control

A help document (Icelandic) has been created concerning the quality standards. Insert information from the interRAI quality indicators to see where the nursing homes stand regarding the Icelandic quality standards.

The document contains graphs for all 20 quality indicators used in Iceland. In the header of the graphs, each quality indicator is labelled with a number that is the same as in the RAI program. Some also have a star, but these quality indicators are considered the best for comparing nursing homes.

There is only one quality indicator per worksheet, and its name and number are on the tab of each worksheet. Attention is drawn to the fact that the first page contains instructions for using the document.

The Directorate of Health recommends using these criteria to monitor the service's quality and make improvements.

The Directorate of Health also uses these criteria to monitor the quality of services in nursing homes.