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Housing benefits

Application for housing benefits

Laws and regulations

Appeals and proceedings

You can appeal HMS's decision to the Welfare Appeals Committee. The deadline for appeals is 3 months from the time you were notified of HMS's decision.

This committee is an independent board of appeal which renders on welfare complaints, including disputes over housing benefits. Proceedings before the committee are free of charge.

Appeal to the Welfare Appeals Committee

Proceedings before the Welfare Appeals Committee

When an appeal is received by the committee, it requests all evidence in the case from HMS. HMS will then have a deadline to submit a comment presenting all facts and legal arguments for HMS's decision.

The committee sends the complainant a copy of the evidence and gives him the opportunity to examine the case file and comment on HMS's comments. When all information is considered available, the case is resolved and a ruling is given.

The committee seeks to render a ruling within 3 months of receiving an appeal. The decision of HMS is valid until otherwise decided.


The committee’s rulings are published on the Cabinet’s website Government of Iceland | Housing Complaints Committee. Names of the individuals and addresses involved will not appear in the public disclosure of the committee’s ruling.

If you do not agree with the committee's ruling, you can lodge a complaint to the Parliamentary Ombudsman Forsíða - Umboðsmaður Alþingis ( or take the matter to court in the usual manner.


Housing Benefit Act No. 75/2016

Rent Act no. 36/1994

Public Rental Dwellings Act, No. 52/2016

Administrative Procedure Act, No. 37/1993

Application for housing benefits