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The Í App

You apply for housing benefits on My pages (Login) on the HMS (The Housing and Construction Authority) website.

The application must include:

  • the property number (Fasteignanúmer)

  • the personal (kennitala) of each household member

  • the landlord’s personal (kennitala)

  • the rent amount

  • the rent period

When the application has been submitted

When we have received the application you will receive confirmation by email.

Other household members, aged 18 and over who live in the household, must give their consent and authorize HMS to gather the necessary information. You need to let them know that they must log on to their My Pages on our website and do this.

If some additional documents or information are needed you will receive an email notification that your application has been put on hold and that you have a letter on My Pages with further details. It is important to monitor all correspondence from us and respond within 15 days, otherwise the application may be rejected.


If the application does not meet all conditions, it will be rejected. If you object to our reasons for rejection you can request a reconsideration. You will then need to argue your case and submit supporting documents if applicable. You can do this in a message through My Pages HMS or by email to

Processing time

Applications received before the 20th of each month are processed by the end of the month at the latest. When an application is processed or if some information is missing, you will receive a message by email informing you that you have a letter on My Pages with further details.

Payment of housing benefits

Housing benefits are paid on the first day of each month, for the previous month, into the bank account specified in the application. If the first day of the month is a public holiday or on a weekend, the payment is made on the last business day of the previous month.The benefits are not paid retroactively further back in time then the application month.

The first payment date is the first day of the month after the approval of the application.

It is important to apply as soon as possible even if the lease is not ready as housing benefits are paid from the month of application.


  • You apply in January and the rental agreement is valid from 1. January. Your payment will be made on 1. February for the month of January.

  • You apply in January and the rental agreement is valid from 1. December. Your payment will be made on 1. February but only for the month of January.


If you change rental properties, you will need to renew your application for housing benefits. Otherwise, the same application applies, which can be updated if criteria change.

Application and forms

Don't have electronic id? You can download and fill in the forms, then send them signed to, or submit them in person at the HMS office.

Application for housing benefits