Co-payment for support and treatment aids
Prosthetics and other parts
Hair wigs, custom headgear and tattoos
Grants are granted for the purchase of wigs and/or custom headgear, tattoos on eyebrows and eye lines in the case of:
Permanent lash loss
Hair loss due to cancer treatment or endocrine therapy
Common prolonged spotting (for more than one year)
The grant is ISK 188,000 and is granted for two years at a time.
Artificial breast
Co-payment is for the purchase of artificial breasts/fabricated breast implants for breast surgery:
Breast surgery; two breasts in the first year and one in the year after
Breast surgery on both sides; four breasts in the first year and two in the year afterwards.
Empowering breast-feeding for breast-building
A grant is granted to purchase special strengthened breast implants for the structure of the breast/breast after breast surgery, but a grant is paid for 2 breast implants.
The amount of the grant is according to price survey.
Tattoos on nipples and areola
Subsidies are granted every two years for tattooing of the nipples and/or areola on the built breast.
The grant amount is ISK 30,000.
The payment participation in prosthetics is 100%. Each 12-month period is paid for:
One prosthetic and appropriate components
Two inner cartons
One hard case
Active individuals are entitled to a prosthetic for the change. Prosthetic legs are approved 70% with a certain maximum.
Agreements are with:
Stoð hf., Trönuhraun 8, 220 Hafnarfjörður, telephone 565-2885
Össur Iceland ehf., Grjótháls 5, 110 Reykjavík, telephone 515-1300
Repairing prosthetics
The first and second repair of each prosthetic is paid in full, but subsequent repairs are paid in 70%.

Service provider
Iceland Health