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Co-payment for support and treatment aids

Orthopaedic shoes and insoles

The applicant turns to the company he chooses to exchange with and the company receives payment from the institution amounting to the value of the grant. If the applicant purchases more expensive shoes than the amount of the grant, he pays the company the difference. Authorized shoe companies by Iceland Health with required specialists are:

  • Skósmiðurinn og Álfarnir ehf., Freyjunes 8, 603 Akureyri, telephone 461-1600

  • Stoð, supporting equipment, Trönuhraun 8, 220 Hafnarfjörður, telephone 565-2885

  • Stoðtækni Skósmiðja, Lækjargata 34A, 220 Hafnarfjörður, telephone 533-1314

  • Össur, Grjótháls 5, 110 Reykjavík, telephone 515-1300


Insoles may be either ready-made or custom-made. Co-payments is granted in cases of severe deformity of the legs and is generally accepted one pair per year but two pairs per year for growing children and active individuals.

Co-payment is 90% but up to a maximum of ISK 5,800 for a ready-made insoles and ISK 11,000 for a custom-made insoles (the pair of ISK 11,500/22,500).

Orthopaedic shoes, prepared

Co-payment is granted in cases of significant deformities of the legs. In general, one pair per year is approved, but two pairs per year for growing children and active individuals

Payment participation is 90% but up to a maximum of 47,000 ISK and a grant is granted for the rise of artificial orthopaedic shoes (more than 2 cm).

Orthopaedic shoes, semi-custom or custom made

In cases of severe deformity of the feet and standard orthopaedic shoes are not working, grants are granted for custom shoes. In general, one pair is approved per year, but two pairs per year for growing children and active individuals.

Payment participation is 90%, with a maximum of ISK 99,000 for semi-specialty and ISK 210,000 for custom.

Increase in shoes

A grant may be approved for the rise of shoes if a rise of two cm or more is required, if:

  • two increases per year

  • three increases per year for highly active individuals

The grant amount is according to price survey.

Changes to traditional shoes and orthopaedic shoes

Co-payment is 90% on artificial orthopaedic shoes when artificial orthopaedic shoes are not sufficient without modifications.

On normal shoes, but the amount of grant is never higher than that of the price of artificial orthopaedic shoes.

Distorted shoes

The co-payment is 50%, up to a maximum of 17.000 ISK per pair of shoes. A minimum of two numbers are required for a size difference to be granted.

The most is paid for 4 pairs of shoes per year, so you get two usable pairs of shoes.

Repairs of artificial orthopaedic shoes and custom made shoes:

Repairs are paid if the wear of shoes is a direct result of a medical condition, for example in individuals with spastic gait due to cerebral palsy (CP).

A maximum of four repairs per year are paid for shoes.

Service provider

Ice­land Health