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Bite gums due to sleep apnea

Co-payment is 70% but up to a maximum of 45,000 ISK. The results of sleep measurements must accompany the application, but a grant is granted if breathing events measure AHI 5 or more.

The following are approved for sleep measurements:

  • Landspítali Fossvogur (lungudeild A6 and göngudeild A3)

  • The hospital in Neskaupsstaður

  • Akureyri Hospital

  • Reykjalundur

  • The Health Institute of the Westman Islands

  • Læknasetrið

Renewal is approved every 6 years.


In general, a 70% grant is approved for inhalers. Users, other than individuals with Cystic Fibrosis, pay for replacement of accessories themselves Individuals with Cystic Fibrosis receive 100% strength for devices and accessories

Breathing monitors

Respiratory measures (oxygen saturation meters) are approved in exceptional cases for children with very severe chronic respiratory disease that require continuous oxygenation treatment.


Sleep apnea machines and ventilators are approved for home-based individuals with severe respiratory diseases.

The need for a ventilator is assessed by the lung department A6 or the outpatient department A3 at Landspítali. The telephone number for a sleep study is 543-6025, the e-mail address is

Oxygen equipment

Applications for oxygen must be sent directly to Iceland Health oxygen service, A3 at LSH by telephone at 543-6049 or by email at:

Travel oxygen filters

Travel oxygen filters are approved for individuals who are active and traveling a lot. This equipment is lighter than traditional oxygen scooters and is therefore suitable for those who need to carry the equipment. Individuals in nursing homes are considered active if they are, for example, attending events outside the ward.

Service provider

Ice­land Health