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Welfare complaint

Complaint about social service

Initial monitoring

The Welfare Quality and Inspection Authority (GEV) carries out monitoring of the quality of services. Surveillance can be regular, based on risk assessment or due to a specific occasion, indication or information received by the institution in connection with a complaint.


GEV gathers the necessary information and data.

  • GEV conducts on-site inspections of homes, institutions and other facilities providing services subject to the oversight of the Administration.

  • GEV may carry out an on-site inspection without first making a call.

  • In carrying out on-site investigations, the Centre shall protect the privacy of persons residing or staying in homes and institutions subject to investigations.

  • The person providing the regulated services shall grant the Agency free access to all its establishments.

  • The agency may obtain information directly from users of the service, family members and staff.

  • In the course of the monitoring, users shall have an opportunity to express their views to the Authority in accordance with the objectives of the service and the circumstances of users.

The Foundation's initiatives conclude with a report which outlines the reasons for monitoring, conducting the study, gathering data, a description of the on-site investigation and the findings of the Authority as to whether a service complies with quality criteria and provisions of law, regulations, rules, contracts and guidelines and/or conditions for an operating licence.

If there is cause for concern, the Administration shall make recommendations on improvements that must be made within a specified period of time.


Administrative complaints regarding administrative decisions by the Welfare Quality and Inspection Authority shall be as provided for in the Administrative Procedures Act, cf. Articles 14-16.

Complaint about social service

Quality and Supervisory Authority for Welfare

Contact us

Tel: 540 0040
open all weekdays 11 - 15


Suðurlandsbraut 24, 5th floor

108 Reykjavík

kt. 611221 0100

Contact us

Tel: 540 0040
open all weekdays 11 - 15


Suðurlandsbraut 24, 5th floor

108 Reykjavík

kt. 611221 0100