If welfare services for children or disabled people are not available or if the provisions of law, regulations, rules, contracts and guidelines are not in effect, it is important that GEV is advised of this.
Everyone can send in a tip-off regarding quality of welfare service. Users of welfare service can also send in complaints.
Tip-offs can lead to inspection by GEV's initiative of the service.
Those who submit a tip-off are not considered parties to the case and therefor don’t have the right to receive information of the progress of the case and whether the indication would lead to inspection by GEV's initiative of the service.
The Data Protection Authority
GEV shall protect the personal data of those who submit a tip-off to the Agency without the party in question giving his or her explicit consent to anything else.
Article 13 refers to Tip-offs.

Service provider
Quality and Supervisory Authority for Welfare