Vehicle inspection
Vehicle re-inspection garages
A vehicle may be submitted to a re-inspection garage for repair and re-inspection if it has been given a deadline for repairs in its periodic inspection and if this is done before the deadline expires.
Approved re-inspection garages
Bifreiðaverkstæðið Pardus, Suðurbraut, 565 Hofsósi
Bílaleiga Húsavíkur, Garðarsbraut 66, 640 Húsavík
Bílaverkstæði Jóhanns Garðarssonar, Austurmörk 13, 810 Hveragerði
Bílaverkstæðið Rauðalæk, Rauðalæk, 851 Hellu
Bílson verkstæðið, Kletthálsi 9, 110 Reykjavík
Bílvogur Auðbrekku 17, 200 Kópavogi
Kaupfélag Skagfirðinga, Ártorgi 1, 550 Sauðárkróki
Múlatindur, Múlavegi 13, 625 Ólafsfirði
Difference in service between garages
Garages must have both facilities and equipment to be able to re-inspect vehicles and their parts. A garage must be contacted to see if it can carry out a re-inspected after the repair, otherwise the vehicle must be brought to an inspection body for review.
Cost of having a vehicle re-inspected
The garage in question must be contacted.
Monitoring of the activities of inspection bodies
The Icelandic Accreditation Body certifies and monitors the activities of re-inspection garages. Samgöngustofa has also limited monitoring of the project.
Comments or complaints regarding re-inspection garages
Comments and complaints shall be addressed to the garage concerned. Samgöngustofa may take such cases to further consideration if the conditions are met.

Service provider
The Icelandic Transport Authority