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Vehicle inspection

Vehicle re-inspection garages

A vehicle may be submitted to a re-inspection garage for repair and re-inspection if it has been given a deadline for repairs in its periodic inspection and if this is done before the deadline expires.

Approved re-inspection garages

  • Bifreiðaverkstæðið Pardus, Suðurbraut, 565 Hofsósi

  • Bílaleiga Húsavíkur, Garðarsbraut 66, 640 Húsavík

  • Bílaverkstæði Jóhanns Garðarssonar, Austurmörk 13, 810 Hveragerði

  • Bílaverkstæðið Rauðalæk, Rauðalæk, 851 Hellu

  • Bílson verkstæðið, Kletthálsi 9, 110 Reykjavík

  • Bílvogur Auðbrekku 17, 200 Kópavogi

  • Kaupfélag Skagfirðinga, Ártorgi 1, 550 Sauðárkróki

  • Múlatindur, Múlavegi 13, 625 Ólafsfirði

Difference in service between garages

Garages must have both facilities and equipment to be able to re-inspect vehicles and their parts. A garage must be contacted to see if it can carry out a re-inspected after the repair, otherwise the vehicle must be brought to an inspection body for review.

Cost of having a vehicle re-inspected

The garage in question must be contacted.

Monitoring of the activities of inspection bodies

The Icelandic Accreditation Body certifies and monitors the activities of re-inspection garages. Samgöngustofa has also limited monitoring of the project.

Comments or complaints regarding re-inspection garages

Comments and complaints shall be addressed to the garage concerned. Samgöngustofa may take such cases to further consideration if the conditions are met.