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Inspection of Icelandic vehicles abroad

Inspection of Icelandic vehicles abroad

A vehicle registered in Iceland that is being used abroad can be inspected by an approved inspection station within the EEA. Only inspections which are without remarks shall be valid in these cases.

There is no list of inspection stations within the EEA area that are authorized to inspect vehicles on a regular basis in each country. It is therefore necessary to inquire with the inspection station whether it is officially recognized and can state this on the certificate (in confirmation with EU directive 2014/45 on vehicle inspections).

Application must be accompanied by

  • a copy of the foreign inspection certificate (the required must be provided)

  • it should be indicated that the inspection has been carried out in accordance with EU directive 2014/45 (on the certificate or other included documents).

If an application is approved, the owner is given new inspection stickers which are to be placed onto the vehicle registration plates.

The cost of registering a foreign inspection in the vehicle register is 1.186 ISK.

Inspection of Icelandic vehicles abroad