Police traffic control for inspection and condition
Police traffic control
Police patrol vehicles in traffic with regard to inspection and condition. They can both stop vehicles and perform roadside inspections and call them to go to an inspection station for a full inspection.
If the police stop a vehicle which is not in the state prescribed by law, either because its inspection has not been renewed or it is not properly equipped, the vehicle will be called for an inspection at an inspection body.
Roadside inspections are mainly carried out on larger vehicles, such as trucks and buses. Roadside inspections are planned in advance, certain equipment is available and an inspection report is issued which is entered in the vehicle register.
Vehicles called for an inspection
When a vehicle is called by the police for inspection, the following applies:
A special sticker is mounted on the registration plate.
A deadline is given for the vehicle to be inspected by an inspection body. The maximum time limit that the police can give for the vehicle to be inspected is 7 days.
The call for inspection is registered in the vehicle register.
Registration plates removed from a vehicle
Police may remove the vehicle registration plates if:
it is considered to be a threat to road safety or its not equipped as prescribed;
it has not been inspected when it was supposed to.
Police may also remove the registration plates for a number of other reasons that are not related to the condition or the inspection of the vehicle, such as if it is not insured or charges have not been paid.
Preparing for inspection after it was called or registration plates removed
When the police have
called a vehicle for an inspection due to malfunction, or
removed the registration plates from a vehicle due to its condition or its inspection has not been renewed,
the vehicle is to be inspected by an inspection body. It is important to note that nothing (except something minor) must be wrong with the vehicle to be able to pass the inspection, otherwise the result of the inspection will be a driving ban and the registration plates will not be given back if they have been removed.
It is therefore important that
you have the condition of the vehicle checked immediately and have everything fixed that is out of order,
the vehicle is then brought to an inspection station before the expiry of the deadline issued by the police.
If a vehicle has been called for inspection and it takes more time to complete repairs than the deadline issued by the police, you may put the vehicle temporarily out of traffic by returning the registration plates to Samgongustofa or to the next inspection station. When the repairs are completed, you may collect your number plates and put them on your vehicle for it to be driven to the next inspection station.
If a vehicle has not been inspected before the deadline expires, the police may remove the registration plates from the vehicle. If that happens, you will not be able to collect the registration plates until the vehicle has passed a full inspection with none or minor remarks.

Service provider
The Icelandic Transport Authority