When an individual receives unemployment benefits, he/she agrees to perform certain duties as an unemployed person. This is accompanied by various services and advice.
For example, you can:
to interview a career counsellor
or receive a scholarship for a course of your choice.
participate in work-related resources.
Confirming job search
Those who receive unemployment benefits must confirm their job search every month. This is done on My pages between the 20th and 25th of each month. It is necessary to confirm the job search even if the application is still in process and also even if payments are delayed due to violations of the rules.
Go to My Pages
report income, part-time and contract work,
to inform if circumstances change.
Several changes can affect the right to unemployment benefits and therefore they need to be notified. If this is not done, the payment may be delayed or payments may be stopped permanently. This can be done on my own.
You can read more about this here:
While receiving unemployment benefits, people must be active in seeking employment. This means that:
take the initiative to seek work,
take paid work, even without special notice,
take a job anywhere in the country,
take a job regardless of whether it is full-time or part-time, or working shifts,
participate in the labour market measures available,
provide the Directorate of Labour with the necessary information to increase the likelihood of obtaining a suitable job.
Those on the unemployment register must answer invitations to job interviews and attend if they are invited to an interview at the service office of the Directorate of Labour.
Individuals on the unemployment register must ensure that information on My pages about phone numbers, e-mail addresses or addresses is correct.
Sanctions: Consequences of irregularities
Failure to comply with these rules can have consequences. For example, payment of unemployment benefits may be delayed, the person concerned is put on hold. When payments are delayed, it applies from the date the order arrives.
Applicants who are subject to a waiting period at the start of a benefit period are not entitled to income related unemployment benefits.
Payments are postponed at the beginning of a benefit period if the applicant:
terminates employment without valid reasons,
causes the termination of their job,
drops out of studies without valid reasons,
If an explanatory letter is sent with the application it speeds up the processing of the application. If an explanatory letter is not sent, processing is postponed and the applicant will be given the opportunity to submit explanations or objections regarding a possible decision by the Directorate of Labour.
When payments of benefits are suspended at the beginning of a benefit period the applicant is not entitled to income-related unemployment benefits.
Payments can be suspended for:
2 months
3 months in case of recurrence
Those who work while receiving unemployment benefits, but do not report it to the Directorate of Labour, have to earn the right to a new benefit period.
Payments are suspended:
If what needs to be reported is not reported,
if a job offered is rejected without valid reasons,
not participating in the creation of a job search plan or not following the plan,
resources offered are rejected, for example taking part in a course,
not attending scheduled interviews or a meeting without a valid reason.
Cancellation of penalties
Penalties imposed for two months can be cancelled. The conditions are that:
The person worked for at least six months before reapplying and registering for unemployment benefits.
The job was not terminated without valid reasons.
The person did not lose his job for reasons that were their own fault.
If these conditions are not met, the suspension of payments is still in effect when applying for unemployment benefits again.
Those who work alongside benefits without reporting the work.
Those who are subject to suspension of payments and have received benefits for 24 months or more.
Those who are subject to suspension of payments for breaking the rules for the third time.
Education on unemployment benefits
? Article from an introductory meeting on unemployment benefits.