If you are on unemployment benefits, you can receive a scholarship up to ISK 80,000 per year to attend a job-related course that you can find yourself. The Directorate of Labour pays up to 75% of the course fee. The scholarship is only granted once per course.
You can also check your right to a scholarship with your union, but it is not a condition to exercise that right before applying for a grant from the Directorate of Labour. Trade unions often grant scholarships for other courses.
Submit an application for a study grant
You must submit an application for a scholarship and it must be accompanied by:
Name and instructor of the course,
time of the course,
how the course will benefit you,
Link to the course
Once you have paid for the course, you can attach a receipt with your application. Alternatively, you can send it after your application has been submitted via email to the appropriate service office.
The course will strengthen you in your job search according to the advice of the Directorate of Labour.
That the education is not unifiable (the Directorate of Labour does not subsidise fees for higher education or university).
That you apply before the course starts.
That you have not exhausted your right to a scholarship before the year.
A grant can only be received once for each course.
The course is required to be conducted by an approved educational institution or an expert in their field according to the Directorate of Labour.
Obligations during the course:
Be actively seeking a job and ready to take a job if offered.
Confirm job search monthly.
Attend meetings, interviews and other activities that the Directorate of Labour may invite you to.
Service provider
Directorate of Labour