Tips and comments on for taxis, passenger and freight transportation and car rentals
One of the ways in which the Icelandic Transport Authority can carry out checks on permit holders is to receive suggestions on the practices of regulated entities.
The Icelandic Transport Authority shall monitor that the activities of permit holders for taxis, passenger and freight transport and car rentals are conducted in accordance with law, regulation and curriculum guides. One of the ways in which the Icelandic Transport Authority can perform the above-mentioned monitoring role in driving education is to receive suggestions on the practices of regulated entities.
Reminders on the activities of regulated parties provide the Icelandic Transport Authority with important information and are therefore very welcome.
Send us a suggestion or a comment
The Icelandic Transport Authority aims to ensure the reliability, confidentiality and security of all personal data in handling cases.
Further details
Further information on the monitoring of the Icelandic Transportation Authority and the activities of regulated parties in driving training:
Lög um leigubifreiðaakstur nr. 120/2022
Reglugerð um leigubifreiðaakstur nr. 324/2023
Lög um farþega -og farmflutninga á landi nr. 28/2017
Reglugerð um farþega -og farmflutninga á landi nr. 474/2017
Lög um leigu skráningarskyldra ökutækja nr. 65/2015
Reglugerð um leigu skráningarskyldra ökutækja nr. 840/2015

Service provider
The Icelandic Transport Authority