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Car rental permit

Application for a car rental permit

Those wishing to rent out vehicles subject to registration without a driver need a permit from the Icelandic Transport Authority.

The process

  1. Apply for the permit at the Icelandic Transport Authority

  2. Fulfill the conditions for the permit

  3. Request for a review on the location of car rentals is sent to the applicable municipality

  4. Permit is issued following a positive review from the municipality

Supporting documents

It is important to submit all supporting documents with an application.

  • Certificate of Criminal Registration of a Guardian (Sakavottorð) -

  • Professional liability insurance from a recognized insurance company

  • If applicant or it´s representative has had a legal domicile registered in another country, a certificate from criminal record from the applicable country/countries has to be turned in with the application

  • Registration number of the vehicles scheduled for rental. The vehicles have to be registered at the applicant and in the service category vehicle rental (Ökutækjaleiga)

  • Confirmation from the Tax Registry of Companies that the business operation has been registered applicably

  • Confirmation that debt with public fees, taxes with the collectors of the Treasury or contributions to a pension fund does not exceed ISK 500,000.

Processing of applications

  • The Icelandic Transport Authority issues a car rental permit when all conditions are met and payment has been received.

  • When a request for documents is not complete or the conditions are not met, the Icelandic Transport Authority notifies them by e-mail.

  • A vehicle rental service shall have a storage place where vehicles subject to registration are stored. Processing of applications for car rental permits is dependent on the time taken by the relevant municipality to provide a review on the location of the storage place. A request for a review is sent when all documentation and payments regarding the application have been received by the Icelandic Transport Authority and the review is expected within 30 days.


  • The cost of car rental permit is in accordance with the tariff of the Icelandic Transport Authority and is 138.865 ISK

  • Certificates and documents that need to be obtained from other institutions shall be paid for by the applicant.

Application for a car rental permit